Category: CrossRealms Team

Plants with Sam: Spider Plants

Jul 16, 2019 by Sam Taylor

Hi, it’s Sam with the next segment of Plants with Sam! If you’re a little late to the plant party, my first post with more details about this blog series and why I’m doing it can be found here. 


Today I would like to talk about the spider plant. These plants are pretty popular for two reasons: they’re super easy to take care of, and given the right conditions, they produce babies like crazy!


I got my own spider plant from a friend, and it was a baby from one of her main plants. The way this works is if the conditions are right (lots of light and warm temperatures, as well as a snug pot), they will send out a shoot from the middle of the plant and at the end of that shoot, a miniature spider plant will grow. It’s best to wait until the tiny spider plant is starting to grow its own roots, then you can just pinch it off and stick it in the soil!

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you care for your spider plant:


Spider plants prefer nice, bright light, but they will also be alright in lower light conditions.


They don’t need water too often, just about every other week or so. Let the soil dry out completely in between waterings. If your water has a lot of salts or minerals in it, it would be best to use distilled water or rainwater.


Most soils that drain quickly work fine for these plants. It’s best to use soils that don’t have a lot of fertilizer in them.


Spider plants like it a bit on the warmer side, so it’s best to keep the temperature between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They will survive in temperatures as low as 35 degrees, but they will not grow much if the temperature is under 65.


Less is more when it comes to fertilizer for spider plants. Use a diluted houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer.

If you follow these tips, your spider plant will have no issues being happy and healthy! Don’t forget to stay tuned for more plant care tips!

My Experience at CrossRealms

Jul 16, 2019 by Sam Taylor

Hi, my name is Dayoung KO, I’m from Korea and I am working as a marketing intern at CrossRealms. I am studying abroad here at IIT, and this internship is a part of my schooling. Since the internship class that I’m in is only scheduled for 6 weeks, this will be my last week here at CrossRealms.


Thinking back over the past few weeks at CrossRealms, I can describe the experience in a few words: “I’ve learned a lot.” I remember the very first day I met Usama, the president of CrossRealms. He told me that he wants me to learn as much as I can from here as well as share my culture with my co-workers who are from different cultures. As a result, I learned not only about the marketing field I’ve been working in, but I’ve also learned about building personal relationships with coworkers with different cultural backgrounds.


One thing I enjoyed about CrossRealms, is that every employee is free to speak their mind. Regardless of what kind of work I’ve done, I participate in almost every meeting for marketing. My co-workers always asked my opinion and had me speak out during the meeting. I felt totally free to give my opinion and ask questions when I did not understand certain things. I could feel myself building real relationships with them and felt that they have truly respected me. My co-workers were interested in Korean things, so we went out as a company to Korean restaurant so that I could talk about Korean culture and food. I know that not all the companies in the US have the same culture, but the culture of CrossRealms is totally different from Korea, in a positive way.


I really appreciate having been a part of CrossRealms though it was only for 6 weeks. Thanks to Usama, Sam, Unme, Johanna, Candice, Matt, Constantine, and Jasper! I hope to see you guys again.


안녕하세요, CrossRealms에서 마케팅 인턴으로 일하고 있는 한국에서 온 고다영입니다. 인턴십 과정이 포함된 프로그램으로 IIT에서 방문학생으로 수학 중입니다. 이 인턴십 과정이 6주로 예정되어 있기 때문에 이번주가 CrossRealms에서의 마지막 주가 될 것입니다.


CrossRealms에서의 지난 몇 주를 회고해보면 딱 한 문장으로 설명할 수 있을 것 같습니다. “많은 것을 배웠습니다.” 창업자인 Usama를 만났던 첫 날을 떠올리면 그가 저에게 했던 말이 기억에 남습니다. 그가 제게 기대하는 유일한 것은 제가 여기서 배울 수 있는 최대한 많은 것을 배우고 다양한 문화권의 동료들과 저의 문화를 나누는 것이라고 했습니다. 그 결과로 저는 제가 일했던 마케팅 분야뿐만이 아니라 문화적 차이와 인간관계를 맺어가는 과정을 배울 수 있었습니다.


이 회사에서 좋았던 점 중 하나는 모든 동료들이 서로의 의견에 스스럼없이 자신의 생각을 말합니다. 제가 어떤 업무를 하고 있던 상관없이 저는 거의 모든 마케팅 회의에 참여했는데


동료들과 상사는 항상 제 견해를 물어봤고 회의 중에 제 의견을 피력할 수 있도록 도와주었습니다. 그 결과로 자유롭게 제 의견을 말하고, 궁금한 것이 있거나 이해가 안됐을 때 스스럼없이 질문할 수 있었습니다. 저는 그들과 개인적인 인간관계를 형성해가고 있음을 느꼈고 그들이 저를 존중해준다는 느낌을 받았습니다. 또한 모든 동료들이 한국에 관심이 많아서 다같이 한국음식점에 가서 문화와 음식을 나누기도 했습니다. 미국의 모든 회사의 문화가 이와 같지 않은 것은 사실이지만, CrossRealms의 사문화는 완전히 긍정적인 의미에서 한국과는 몹시 달랐습니다.


비록 6주에 불과했지만 그 동안 CrossRealms의 구성원이 될 수 있음에 감사했습니다. 제 인턴십 과정은 끝났지만 저는 계속해서 CrossRealms와 함께 나아갈 예정입니다. Usama, Sam, Unme, Johanna, Candice, Matt, Constantine, 그리고 Jasper까지 모두에게 고맙습니다! 다시 만나기를 기대할게요

Written by Dayoung KO

글: 고다영

Plants with Sam: Snake Plants

Jul 16, 2019 by Sam Taylor

Hi, Sam here with the latest installment of Plants with Sam! As a reminder, I’m starting a new blog series on the care of plants to complement CrossRealms’ Let’s Grow initiative. My first post with more details can be found here.


Today I would like to talk about the snake plant. The snake plant is a part of the Sansevieria family and another common nickname for it is mother-in-law’s tongue.


Sansevierias are perfect plants for those who tend to be forgetful, and don’t always water their plants. I just recently got one of my own and love the way it looks. We have one in the office as well. They can grow to be pretty large so they make great floor plants when they are older.


Snake plants are very tolerant and can survive most conditions, including low levels of light, as well as drought and just being ignored in general.

Although it is easy to care for, here are a few tips and tricks to keep your snake plant happy:


While sansevierias can handle any light and can handle low light or full sun, it is best to give it indirect light.


Because snake plants are considered succulents, they can be very susceptible to rot. It’s best to not water too often, and barely any water at all during the winter. Try to let the soil dry out completely between waterings.


Most soils that drain quickly would work fine for these plants, but since they originate from the desert, sandier soils will work best.


Temperatures between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit are best. Anything below 50 will damage the plant.


Feed with a mild cactus fertilizer once during the growing season or a balanced liquid slow-release (10-10-10 fertilizer) diluted to half-strength. Don't fertilize in the winter.

If you follow these tips, your snake plant will have no issues being happy and healthy! Don’t forget to stay tuned for more plant care tips!


Jul 11, 2019 by Sam Taylor

Meet Jasen Jackson, the newest addition to CrossRealms’ engineering team! Jasen has a BS in Information and Computer Science: Networking and Security, and over 9 years’ experience working in IT.

“I know that exceptional IT service goes hand in hand with a commitment to excellent customer service and I’m dedicated to both,” Jasen said. “I’m also very excited to be a part of CrossRealms’ growth as it starts its second decade of providing IT services to companies throughout the Chicagoland area.”

Jasen is currently working towards completing his CCNP and CCNA certifications. A married father of three, he has an affinity for dogs, muscle cars, music, camping and philosophy!

We are excited that Jasen is adding his decade-long experience to the CrossRealms’ technical team and are looking forward for you to meet him!