Tips and Tricks with MS SQL (Part 3)

Edit Change Database Auto-Growth from Percent-Based to Fixed-Size Growth​

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In the ideal world all the Microsoft SQL Servers I came across would have their databases pre-grown to account for future growth and re-evaluate their needs periodically. Unfortunately, this is almost never the case. Instead, these databases rely on SQL’s autogrowth feature to expand their data files and log files as needed. The problem is the default is set to autogrow data files by 1MB(*) and log files by 10%(*).

Since this was such a big issue with performance, Microsoft made some changes in SQL Server 2016 onward, where the data files and log files will default to a growth of 64MB each. If your server is still using the 1MB autogrowth for data and 10% autogrowth for logs, consider using Microsoft’s new defaults and bump it up to at least 64MB.

Growing a data file by 1MB increments means the server must do extra work. If it needs to grow 100MB – it must send over 100 requests to the server to grow 1MB, add data, then ask the server to grow again and repeat. Imagine how bad this gets for databases growing by gigabytes a day! This is even worse if growing by a percentage. This means the server has to do some computing first before it can grow. Growing 10% of 100MB is easy to account for but as the log file grows it can quickly get out of hand and runaway bloating your storage system while adding CPU overhead as an extra kick in the rear!

The change is luckily very simple. Right-click one of the user databases using SQL Server Management Studio and select “Properties”. From there click on the “Files” page. Next expand the “…” button near the “ROWS” cell and change this to 64MB or greater (depending on how much room you have to work with and growth expected). Do the same for the “LOG” file type. That’s it! You’re done and gave your server some well needed breathing room!

Any questions, comments, or feedback are appreciated! Feel free to reach out to for any SQL Server questions you might have!

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