Are you protected from being a ransomware victim?

Use our 5-point checklist

CrossRealms has developed a 5-point checklist to compare against your current environment that will help you answer these and other critical questions.


Do you regularly perform security awareness training for your employees?

More than 90% of the cyber incidences are caused by erroneous user mistakes or due to cybersecurity ignorance.


Do you have a mobile device policy in place to protect personal devices?

About 85% of mobile apps have little to no protection, allowing cyber criminals to harvest data, connections and infrastructure.


Do you regularly apply security patches to protect your organization from attacks?

It’s estimated that software engineers uncover up to 6,000 new vulnerabilities each year. 


Do you have solid monitoring of your cloud tenancies in place?

Threat actors look for vulnerabilities in management APIs. These vulnerabilities can be turned into successful attacks, and organization cloud assets can be compromised.


Do you have a centralized system that monitors your entire network, systems, users and cloud for the attacks of tomorrow?
Today, businesses suffer ransomware attacks every 40 seconds.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to cybersecurity. CrossRealms would like to get you ahead of the game through one of our starter packages so your team and ours can work to identify and implement the right solution for your security needs.

4 Hour Onsite / Remote Vendor Agnostic Security Assessment

Proofpoint Email Protection
  • The challenge to configure is very real…and enormous. We are your champions in protection – So It’s on Us
  • With initial purchase, the starter package includes full program installation and configuration (up to 8 hours of security engineer consulting time)
  • Software not included – offered in monthly or annual licensing


  • We provide free HA firewall appliances with the purchase of a 3-year support subscription providing a savings of >$12K
  • The starter package, with initial purchase, replaces your existing firewalls, the biggest burden – So It’s on Us
  • Includes full installation and configuration (up to 8 hours of security engineer consulting time)
  • Hesitant to dive into Splunk for your environment? Let us do the heavy lifting of deployment in your environment or in the cloud for 3 months on us

Cybersecurity cases

At the end of July, many of Garmin’s online services suddenly went offline. The cause was initially described as a cyberattack, but turned out to be ransomware. Garmin paid an estimated $10 million to these hackers for this ransomware attack.

Canon services suffered an outage caused by a maze ransomware attack, affecting internal applications, email servers, Microsoft Teams, and the USA website. Canon was inaccessible for a period of 6 days.