Amidst a news cycle rife with malware incidents and cyberattacks, there is one shining spot of hope: 100,000 malware sites have been reported and taken down within the last year.  

Abuse.ch, a non-profit cybersecurity organization, has spearheaded a malicious URL hunt known as the URLhaus intiative. First launched in March 2018, a small group of 265+ security professionals have been searching for sites that feature active malware campaigns. These reported sites are passed down to information security (infosec) communities, who work to blacklist or take down URL’s completely.

While abuse reports are rolling in, there has been slow action on the web hosting provider’s part. Once a provider has been reported to have a malicious site, they need to take action in removing or altering the site. Average times to remove the malware infected site has been reported to be 8 days, 10 hours, and 24 minutes– a generous time delay that allows the malware to infect even more end users.

Heodo is one of the most popular malwares used, a multi-faced strain that can be utilized as a downloader for a variety of other attacks, acting as a spam bot, banking trojan, or a credentials swiper.

While sites aren’t responding with a particular deftness, it is still quite a feat to gather all these malicious URL’s with the power of such a limited group of researchers.

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